Box #21

Box #21

Week #22

This is the dawning of the Age of Asparagus, Age of Asparagus, Aasspaaarrrraaaggguuusss!


Last year some of you may remember that we had a horrible year for Strawberries and literally might have had them once for everyone if we were lucky.


This year, both the asparagus and the strawberries continue to flow in so we keep buying them knowing how sacred they are, and how short-lived they are.


Another product we are starting to see trickle in is those wonderful curly green garlic scapes.  These are another one of those “chef’s dreams”.  


Each garlic plant, each year, put off 1 and only 1’s the equivalent of it’s “flower”.  When cut, it offers such a neat little treat that can be used to make pesto, can be cut up and sauteed,  or just roasted/grilled and eaten whole with oil, salt, and pepper.




Continuing to see more soil grown slicer tomatoes, cucumbers, cooking greens, and lettuce.  Out on the horizon we have rhubarb and blueberries...stay tuned!!




-June is “Double Birdy” month...have you ever wanted to give someone the double birdy?!?  Us too!!  For the month of June, anyone that signs up and lists you as a referral, you BOTH get double the reward!!  $20 credit EACH to your accounts.  


-Our Delivery Area has expanded!  Friends and Family that live in Newark, Heath, Pataskala, Pickerington, Marysville, Marengo, or West Jefferson??  Get them on the YB train!




*A foodshed is the geographic region that produces the food for a particular population. The term is used to describe a region of food flows, from the area where it is produced, to the place where it is consumed, including: the land it grows on, the route it travels, the markets it passes through, and the tables it ends up on. "Foodshed" is described as a "socio-geographic space: human activity embedded in the natural integument of a particular place."[1] A foodshed is analogous to a watershed in that foodsheds outline the flow of food feeding a particular population, whereas watersheds outline the flow of water draining to a particular location. Through drawing from the conceptual ideas of the watershed, foodsheds are perceived as hybrid social and natural constructs.
Chef's Harvest LLC

Pleasant View Organic Produce

Beet Greens
Bradwood Farm

Hardin Creek Farm

Clarina Organics

Chinese Cabbage 
Creekside Greenhouse & Produce

Collard Greens 
Hardin Creek Farm

Curly Kale
Hardin Creek Farm

English Burpless Cucumbers /
Hot House Cucumbers 

Bradwood Farm // Hardin Creek Farm
Field Lettuce Mix
Hardin Creek Farm

TTL Garlic Farm

Green Cabbage
Oberlin Food Hub

Green Onions   
Clarina Organics
Green Top Candy Onions
3 Creeks Organics

Hydro Lettuce Head
Chefs Harvest LLC

Lacinato Kale    
Busy Bee Organics

Lettuce Head (Simpson)  
Hardin Creek Farm

Mung Sprouts
Sun Sprouts

Wayward Seed Farm

Great River Organics

Clarina Organics

Red Onions
Great River Organics

Shiitake Mushrooms 
Tom's Magical Mystery 'Shrooms

Slicer Tomatoes    
Bradwood Farm

Clarina Organics

Rhoads Farm Inc
Disclaimer: Different size boxes allow for different items, either by type or by quantity. 

The items in each box vary and no box will include the entire list above. Fulls will have the greatest variety, and bases will have more variety than the minis. 


Storage: Place in a large reusable container with a half-sheet of paper towel to absorb moisture. Use within 2-3 days.

Recipe: Vegan Kale Arugula Pasta


Storage: Eat as quickly as possible. To store them, keep them in a glass of water like a bouquet of flowers (loosely covered) in your fridge.

Recipe: Creamy Asparagus Pasta (Vegan)

Beet Greens

Storage: Store the leaves in a separate container and use them within two days. 

Recipe: Sauteed Beet Greens

Loose Beets

Storage: Store the leaves in a separate container and use within two days. The root bulbs should be stored in the refrigerator's crisper for seven to 10 days.

Recipe: Roasted Beets


Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Broccoli Potato Cakes

Chinese Cabbage

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Napa Cabbage and Mushroom 

Collard Greens

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Vegan Collard Greens

Curly Kale

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Vegan Kale Arugula Pasta

English Burpless / Hot House Cucumber

Storage:  Store in your crisper.

Recipe: Cucumber Radish Salad

Field Lettuce Mix

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Roasted Beets


Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Vegan Kale Arugula Pasta
Cabbage and Noodles (Intermediate)
Tomato Sandwich

Green Cabbage

Storage:   Store in the container and use within 1-2 days.

Recipe: Cabbage and Noodles (Intermediate)
Cabbage and Noodles (Beginner)

Green Top Candy Onions

Storage: Store in your pantry.

Recipe:  Cabbage and Noodles (Intermediate)
Cabbage and Noodles (Beginner)
Tomato Sandwich

Green Onions

Storage:   Store in a glass of water like a bouquet.

Recipe: Ginger Scallion Sauce

Hydro Lettuce Head

Storage: Store in your crisper. Keep attached to the main bulb until ready to eat.

Recipes: Herbed Salad

Lacinato Kale

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: Vegan Kale Arugula Pasta

Lettuce Head (Simpson)

Storage:   Store in your crisper. 

Recipe: 20 ways to eat lettuce

Mung Sprouts

Storage:   Store in the container.
Great on soups, sandwiches, breakfasts, burgers, and more!


Storage:  Store in your crisper.

Recipe: 33 Ways to Love Parsnips


Storage:   Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Broccoli Potato Cakes

Red Storage Onions

Storage:  Store in your pantry.

Recipe: Spinach Strawberry Salad


Storage:   Separate from the greens and store in your fridge crisper. (use the greens in 1-2 days)

Recipe: Cucumber Radish Salad

Shiitake Mushrooms

Storage:   Keep them in the refrigerator in a loosely closed paper bag

Recipe: Napa Cabbage and Mushrooms

Slicer Tomatoes

Storage:   Store at room temperature or in your crisper once ripeness is achieved. 

Recipe: Tomato Sandwiches


Storage:   Store in your crisper with a paper towel to soak up extra moisture.

Recipe: Spinach Strawberry Salad


Storage:  Store in the fridge and enjoy as soon as possible! :)

Recipe: Spinach Strawberry Salad

Common Q's
Home Delivery Folks: Please check your account for your delivery day (MY ACCOUNT >> UPCOMING DELIVERIES). Deliveries are mid-morning until late evening.

Pick up Folks: If you have questions about your pick up location or what to do if you missed pick up PLEASE check out that info under MY ACCOUNT after logging in. You can view all info related to your goodies whereabouts from that tab.

If you ever have a question about a veggie feel free to send a pic to to help you identify it!

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Box #23

Box #23

Book Club - The Conversation - Part 6 Prep

Book Club - The Conversation - Part 6 Prep